Saturday 12 October 2024
St Mary and St John the Divine, Balham, SW12 9BS
To register, please call us on 033 3014 7053 or email and leave a message with your name, dietary requirements and phone number
OR register using the below ticket link

1030: Arrive, coffee and Tea
1100-1300 Rotate between games and memory stalls:
- Play Scattegories, Scrabble, Word Wheel, Pictionary
- Have your professional portrait photo taken with
- Sort your photos with
1300 Lunch!
Clear Bubble Photo Sessions
Who doesn’t have old printed photos tucked away in a loft or basement that we would love to enjoy and share? Wouldn’t it be great if you could share those photos with your far-flung family and friends, just like you can with your digital photos?
Well, you can join Amanda as she shares how to start you on your photo organising journey with her top tips in printed and digital photos.
To get you started bring a maximum of 5 of your favourite good quality printed photos and she will scan them on the day ready for you to share.
Find out more about Clear Bubble here

Rosalind Furlong Photo Sessions
Why not dress up and have some photos taken by Rosalind Furlong, local professional photographer, to share with friends and family
Dress up, or not, however you feel comfortable, she will look after you! After the session you will receive a digital image. You can get in touch to order more digital images or prints after the event but there is no obligation to do so.

One Stop Organisers Limited, 212 St Ann's Hill, London SW18 2RU. Company registered in England and Wales.
Company no: 4987453. Registered office: Collingham House, 10 -12 Gladstone Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1QT