Got that 'back to school' vibe?
September 5, 2024
September is a time for new beginnings, just like January, as it has the back-to-school vibe that is inescapable even if you don’t have children or grandchildren in the education system. It’s a time to start on things you have been putting off and generally j...
January 28, 2022
Memories are a huge part of our lives. Where would be without them? We have the memories in our brains, but we also have physical items; drawings from children, postcards, cards, programmes, tickets, orders of service from weddings, things from university, school, I co...
Cafe Connections (for over 70s)
April 30, 2020
Cafe Connections for over 70s
Cafe Connections is a new online cafe for over 70s. Whether your active, inactive, living on your own, or with family, come and connect with other like-minded individuals and hear from a different guest speaker every week. Book here for next week and futur...
January decluttering
January 6, 2020
Where do I start?
Thanks to Build Mum a House here are all the links you need to start your January declutter with our Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook campaign. you want to know more about our declutter tips, please get in touch now!
Moving tips
September 6, 2019
It's surprising how many utiltiy providers send estimated final bills. Don't get caught out!...
Moving tips
July 19, 2019
Moving home: we help clients with all the suppliers and tradespeople they need as part of their move ...
Moving tips
July 18, 2019
Moving tips
July 17, 2019
Moving home: we make sure our clients don't miss anything out on their changes of address with our comprehensive check list....
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