Why might you want to move in later life?
June 27, 2024
We help many different types of people move home, not just older people. Most of our older people are downsizing because they recognise their home is the wrong size or type for them and their lifestyle. But we do get older people who move to a differe...
Is it time to downsize?
March 17, 2023
There are many reasons why you or your parents might be thinking about downsizing. Or perhaps you haven’t thought about it yet but now, reading this, realise it might actually solve some of the issues you face.FinancesFinances are the most common reason for downsizin...
January 28, 2022
Memories are a huge part of our lives. Where would be without them? We have the memories in our brains, but we also have physical items; drawings from children, postcards, cards, programmes, tickets, orders of service from weddings, things from university, school, I co...
January decluttering
January 6, 2020
Where do I start?
Thanks to Build Mum a House here are all the links you need to start your January declutter with our Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook campaign.
https://buildmumahouse.co.uk/2...If you want to know more about our declutter tips, please get in touch now!
Moving tips
July 19, 2019
Moving home: we help clients with all the suppliers and tradespeople they need as part of their move ...
Moving tips
July 18, 2019
Moving tips
July 17, 2019
Moving home: we make sure our clients don't miss anything out on their changes of address with our comprehensive check list....
Helping your parents move home
February 19, 2019
parentsseniorsgrandparentsorganisemovinghomedecluttergetorganisedorganisedattorneyscluttercommunityHelping grandparentshelping parentsolderolderpersondeathgettingorganisedhelp for older familyhomeadminpowerofattorneyretirement#grandparents#organised#parentscareconnectiondigital inclusiondownsizingendoflifefinancialisolationITmobilephoneplanning#a11y #organised #gettingstuffdone#clutter#declutter#downsize#getorganised#gettingstuffdone#moving#older#systemsadult childrenattendanceallowancebacktoschoolcablescafecarcarehomecarelinechangeofaddressChanges in loved oneschurchcomputercongestiondementiadownsizedrivingemptycupboardentitlementfinal billsfindmymobilegamesgrandparenthealthandwelfarehelphelpforgrandparentshelpforparentshelpinghouseclearanceindependencejanuaryjanuary goalsjoininginlostmobilelovememoriesneeding a cleanerneighboursnotmeanstestedofficeoffice, organising, declutter, paper, getorganisedolder peopleonlineoutsourceover70sPAparentproductivityremovalsretiredrightsizesilver sundaysocialcarestolenmobilesupplierstechnologytidytidyuptradestradespeopleulezUsing a stickutilitieswillzoom