Be part of a community
September 20, 2024
So you’ve retired! Many people look forward to this so that they can spend time with their grandchildren, go on holiday, visit art galleries and enjoy more of their hobbies.For others, the thought of giving up work is stressful and they worry about the lack of intera...
Silver Sunday
September 12, 2024
It’s Silver Sunday on 6th October. Silver Sunday is a national day where people of all generations can come together by hosting fun and free activities for older people. It is a day to meet new people, visit new places, try new activities and connect with local commu...
Community help in retirement
July 26, 2024
Not everyone has friends and family nearby to help them in retirement. However, there are other resources available to help:Age UK is a UK-wide charity which has various support options available including footcare, shopping, handyman, d...
Having a community around you
May 2, 2024
Many things I’ve read and heard recently herald the importance of having a community around you as you get older. Those living in isolation tend to live shorter, less happy lives. A community can be friends and neighbours or people you see all the time. H...
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