I’ve found it necessary to rent an office twice during the 21 years of having my own business. On the first occasion I needed space for staff, and on the second my home just didn’t have room for a desk. However, much more of my work now is done at my clients’ homes, and my own home can now accommodate a desk.
Having an office at home, whether you work for yourself, are employed, or need a dedicated office space when you are retired, can become a dumping ground for papers and such like. I find I become unproductive if I have too much around me. It can be hard to keep on top of as I’m constantly bringing things back that I am sorting for other people, but it is totally worth being on top of it, for the ‘zen’ feeling it gives you.
The lovely people at Brother (who make printers and who have very good customer service I may add!) have come up with a list of five things to help you be more comfortable and productive, so have a read here:
If you need a hand to tidy, organise or declutter a home office, do get in touch.