
Got that 'back to school' vibe?

September is a time for new beginnings, just like January, as it has the back-to-school vibe that is inescapable even if you don’t have children or grandchildren in the education system.   It’s a time to start on things you have been putting off and generally just get going on your own home projects.

So, if you would like to start decluttering, now is a good time!  If you are looking at it and wondering where to start then we recommend the following:

  1. Start small, one cupboard or corner at a time

  2. Schedule the decluttering into your diary

  3. Put on a rousing music track to keep you moving and stop you getting distracted

  4. Do it with a friend (you can help each other) or tell a friend you are doing it, to remain accountable

  5. Always remove items from your home for the waste or charity when you’re done, so you can see the results quickly.

 If you’d like a bespoke declutter plan, or you need some professional help, get in touch with us, we can help.   

One Stop Organisers: Here to help your older loved ones live their best lives.


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