As you get older you may find that you use your car less, but want to keep hold of it to maintain your independence. Your loved ones might be trying to persuade you to give up the car and you don’t want to.
When friends and family suggest giving up driving it’s because they are worried about you and also about other road users. There may be a medical reason that means you have to give up driving, but if there isn’t one, it might be that your family have noticed a decline in your reactions and attention to detail.
There are still ways you can stay independent. Keeping a car can be very expensive, and you may find that if you are still mobile you can get about as easily on trains and buses whilst getting a bit of exercise and movement in. If you’re using your car less and less, using a taxi service to and from the station or to your destination might well be a cheaper and safer option.
Age UK have some great information about this topic here:
One Stop Organisers: Here to help your older loved ones live their best lives